Office wall professional realistic zoom virtual background
Office wall professional realistic zoom virtual background

Images that depict workstations are typically best, like this minimalist workspace or this clean, bright office from Pixabay or this contemporary office from Unsplash. If you work for a less conventional company, you might be able to get away with fun choices like Caribbean beaches, but most people need something a little more professional.

office wall professional realistic zoom virtual background

When it comes to work meetings, carefully chosen digital backgrounds are a great option. Some ways to make your real surroundings look better include editing the objects behind you to a minimum, sitting where a window can shine daylight onto your face rather than behind you, and propping your laptop or camera at eye level so that your torso, shoulders, and head are visible. If you’re going to appear on television, you’re better off finding a way to make your real space work, even if all you reveal is a blank wall.

office wall professional realistic zoom virtual background

So which Zoom background should you choose? If you’re just talking to family and friends, anything goes. 1 STEP Make a decision on your preferred virtual zoom backgrounds from the selection directly below.

office wall professional realistic zoom virtual background

A bright office Zoom background from Pixabay.

Office wall professional realistic zoom virtual background